Being born and raised in a devoted catholic family made me think that one
only receives the grace of God through sacraments but this was proved not to be so
by the Grace school. Grace is the unmerited favor of God which one doesn’t work
for. While attending the grace school, my attitude towards many religious aspects
totally changed me and this was done through the sessions; questions and answer
periods; and one on one interactions. Right from the first session about the Bible
and covenants made me realize that I was operating in many covenants, mixing the
old covenants with the new covenant, thinking that I am totally under the new
covenant. When it came to Grace in God the Father, I strongly believed that God
the Father is the judge and most Merciless; and yet this was proved to be a
misunderstanding of who God the Father is! This was because He so loved the
world that He gave His only son. John 3:16. All was well until we did the finished
works of Christ, it sounded like a joke telling me that my sins; past, present, and
future; were all forgiven. To me, it was fictional until they told that me Jesus
forgave our sins once and He will not come again to die for the sins committed. As
if this was not enough, telling me that healing is a finished work of Christ yet I see
very many Christians sick made me doubt the teaching not until I was taken in the
scripture that is Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24. Another session that made my day was
question and answer session when the facilitator said that the first 11 (eleven)
chapters of the book of Genesis were a myth. If heaven was still the goal, “I would
say that he will not see heaven”. Talking about welfare, I can’t forget how we
were fed for the entire school period because the meals were extremely awesome.
One saint, Patu (GOD’S OWN), couldn’t let me settle down till I went for the
second share of the meals. It was really a moment of learning, re-learning, and
unlearning and I will forever be proud of being part of the Grace School.
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Categories: Christian Life under Grace
Kamahoro Daphne Patra · October 16, 2022 at 6:58 am
Woow . Well said. What you just said is the experience of many of us
Enock · October 16, 2022 at 11:21 am
It’s beautiful to see a transformation of mind in a person, leaving the life if shadow and begin to live in the reality of what Christ has done, this is the best thing that can ever happen to a Christian, as St. Paul said in Galatians that as long as a child doesn’t know, he will live as slave in his father’s kingdom even if he is the lord of all. And this has been seen as the life of many Christian, they live as if Jesus never died for them and rose again for their justification, living with a false hope that they will have a better life when they get out of this world, not knowing that the eternal life is now, it begins on earth, Joy, peace all begin here. But as the saints are perfected through bringing them to the perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ, the real taste of life is experienced, and this is what all who have attended grace school can witness
Grace and Shalom saints
Solace Ritah Joanita · October 17, 2022 at 10:30 am
Thanks to Grace, Am a whole new creation.