Sam(not his real name)

I usually feel like I am bothering our Father with some small discomforts, but I had a terrible stomachache the night of Sunday all through Monday morning. I just held my stomach and said, “Pain, go away in the name of Jesus.” I honestly don’t even remember when the pain went. Been fine since. Feel like hugging our Father!  Have a blessed day, people.

And keep God first.

 Grace Q

As I slept in the night my daughter was feeling hot but since I was sleepy, I didn’t pay attention. I just kept sleeping. At around 4 a.m., my daughter woke up and that made me wake up. On checking her, I noticed she had a very high temperature, and I could really feel the heat. I told her she couldn’t get sick. I laid hands on her, stood on the word, and prayed in tongues. Guess what? My daughter has no high temperature right now and above all we are playing like nothing happened. Glory to our faithful Father.

 Ivan(not his real name)

Today, serious stomach pains attacked me, and I could not walk. You know those sharp pains right from the chest to the stomach? I commanded it to stop, and it refused. It thought I was joking. Then I started singing the song Out of my belly and Who the Son sets free. I prayed in tongues and as I was saying, “By your stripes, we were healed”, I tell you, the pain went away gradually, and right now as I type this, I am fine and going to sleep! Glory to Jesus.


Alleluia… A friend of mine here had cancerous growth. She made confessions based on Grace teaching and the lump disappeared. Another cut his hand and spoke to it in the name of Jesus. It miraculously healed. Sometimes we should just gather and laugh at disease and negative circumstances.


Blaise A

A friend of mine called me on Thursday and told me that her niece is suffering from ulcers and that they have done all they could but experienced no change. She then asked me (in desperation) to pray for her niece.

I immediately requested the mum’s phone number, bought airtime, and then called the mum. I asked her if she believed that Jesus could heal her daughter, and she replied “Yes”. So, I asked her whether I could speak with her daughter. She immediately agreed and gave me her daughter on the phone. She could barely speak due to much pain.

I asked her if she believed in Jesus. She said, “Yes”. Then I told her, “You are healed in the name of Jesus.” She was quiet, expecting more prayers from me.I told her, from today whenever you feel pain, just say, “I am healed in the name of Jesus”. She agreed. On Friday evening, her aunt (my friend) informed me that the girl is thanking the pastor who prayed for her because she is better now. No more pain. Isn’t Jesus so amazing?


Carol(not her real name)

Woke up in the morning feeling weak but had to go to class. When I reached it, I started to feel serious pain in my chest and leg and started to worry that I was having an attack. I texted my sister and she told me to touch where it hurts and command the pain to leave. I did that and spoke in tongues. After 20min, the pain had disappeared, These things work.

Good evening saints. Daddy is just good all the time.

 Stellar(not her real name)

Some time ago, my mother had several asthmatic attacks every day for almost a week. One day she collapsed on her way from the hospital, and people ran away saying it was epilepsy. Someone called me and almost insulted me for letting the patient move alone.

I started praying in tongues, raising my hands in her direction, and thanking Daddy for his provisions and supply.  The following morning, I called my mother. She could then speak well. I confidently told her that she was healed in Jesus’ name. She believed and thanked Daddy.

Saints, I tell you that my mother is now very fine, praising the Lord always. The Lord is very good.

 Emily(not her real name)

Hello saints! Yesterday I had some pain in my legs. I couldn’t walk or hold things but through praying in tongues, I was healed. Thank you, Grace School for the great work you did for me.


Hello guys! Come and see what the Lord has done! On Monday I had a dream that my aunt had a miscarriage and when I called her on Tuesday, she told me that she had a miscarriage in June and ever since then, she had not seen her periods. I taught her about the finished works of Jesus Christ, and we had a relaxed prayer.

I have just received a call from her telling me that she has seen her periods again. Imagine the aunt telling her son that she has seen her periods!



One of our staff underwent knee surgery and was always in pain. His work involves a lot of walking. The Lord spoke to me last week to take him to the chapel and heal his knee. When I told him I wanted to pray for him, he said he was an Anglican. (Denomination palaver!). I told him that doesn’t matter. He agreed but didn’t show up. I prayed in tongues for him anyway. He came to me today with joy asking, “Did you pray for me by any chance? The pain is gone, and the knee is much better.”

Be encouraged. God lives!



Last year my brother was admitted to Mulago Hospital and diagnosed with an infection in the lungs. He had a lot of pus coming out of his left lung. Saints who visited us in Mulago saw this. He was operated on but still no change. We kept praying. Saints prayed with us and encouraged us, but we couldn’t see any physical change in the flow of pus. The patient had lost hope for life, but the sweet thing is that whenever I would pray, my Daddy would assure me that my brother was already healed, which kept me strong. When I tell him to have faith and that he is healed, he would get annoyed with me saying that I am accusing him of not having faith. I never gave up and kept encouraging him telling him that he was already healed. He was discharged from the hospital with no change in pus flow. The only positive thing I saw was that he was gaining some weight and not feeling any pain. Through preaching to him about the love of God day by day, he started confessing that he is healed, and whenever I would ask him about the sickness he would tell me that patients are in the hospital and that he is ok.  The pus started reducing until it dried completely. Right now, my brother is very fine and is back in class teaching.





Categories: Testimonies

1 Comment

Kutosi Denis · March 3, 2024 at 5:53 am

Daddy is indeed caring .

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