Augustus Mumbere
This afternoon I developed a strong right abdominal pain to the extent that I could not even sit. I had been experiencing this occasionally but it would come and go. When the pain did not subside, a strong desire to pray in tongues was stirred in my spirit, which I did for about 5 minutes and the Spirit convicted me to stand up and the pain was gone in an instant. I believe that I am completely healed. Thank you, Jesus!
Martin Kyoma
Earlier today I got a call that my niece Hannah was sick, vomiting, shivering and not speaking the previous night. The mum called to tell me and I went as soon as I could and found her in bed, asleep. I laid hands fired tongues and left the room. Her mum was planning to take her to the hospital, but I didn’t stop her or tell her that I had laid hands on her. Approximately an hour later, the girl came out of bed on her own, found me seated with other people walked right up to me, and gave me a big hug. As I write this, she is here making noise and being the sassy princess she truly is.
Blaise A
So, on the 31st of December 2023, I was invited to a Catholic parish in Kampala for an overnight. I told some of my friends about this overnight (because I knew the teaching would be GRACE-BASED) and two of them said they wanted to go with me (one was not a Grace-based believer), but in the end, one did not attend due to some reasons. I eventually attended with the law-based believer. And the overnight was a success, of course.
Today (a few days later), I was talking to the person with whom we attended the overnight, and I was giving her a testimony. When I finished, she told me, “By the way, when we went for the overnight on Sunday, one of your friends (Saint Mark L.) mentioned that a person is having a constipation problem, and he asked the person to believe for healing. I said a little prayer inside and believed in the healing he spoke about, and from that day onwards I have seen a great change in me. The constipation is no longer the way it used to be earlier, it reduced and I hope for it to disappear.”
I then told her, “You are already healed.”
I asked her whether I could share this testimony with other saints. She hesitated, so I had to preach to her briefly about testimonies and she agreed that I could share. Anyway, sometimes, Daddy amazes me and I am lost for words. I even lack words of praise for him. They all seem not enough. Further, yesterday as I was going to bed after a long day of work I had joint pains, headache, fever, and chills. Usually, this would mean malaria to me before testing, so I would avoid a lot of tests. Thinking about the medications I give people, I started to speak in tongues and then I slept off. Guess what?! I have just remembered that yesterday I was badly off. I mean, I am now perfectly ok.
Judith T
You all, allow me to testify about God’s goodness!
From the time I gave birth about 2 months ago, I have been to the hospital at least once a week for sickness in my body or my baby’s Life. Recently I had a painful lump in my breast, went to the hospital, got treatment and it disappeared. A week later, I felt two lumps in the same spot. My child refused to breastfeed from this particular breast. He has also been having a fungal infection that manifested on his tongue and had refused to heal.
Honestly, I had grown tired of these illnesses and their recurrence. I have been meditating about yesterday’s sharing from 1 Peter 1:23. (We have been born of an incorruptible seed.) This afternoon, I was really tired and angry at the devil for glorifying himself in my life. I got to my room, spoke in tongues, prayed over my child, and received my healing. After praying, the lumps were still there but I knew I was healed. I made sure to breastfeed him on that very breast and right now as I type this, there is no lump anymore. Hallelujah, I know that my child is healed too. Glory to God
Phionah (not her real name)
I’ve always been silent about this but always knew I already had my healing and was awaiting manifestation. I developed sores around my private parts about 2 months ago and they were hurt most times. I didn’t know what it was and was wondering why the sores kept growing in size every time. The worst was I got them after Mom shared that my sister was operated upon over the same issue, but I knew that I knew that this was all a lie of the enemy. Then yesterday, I realized a sudden change in my body. Now, today, I completely find myself well!
On Sunday, I was on my way to a program in Bweyogerere. I took a boda from my home at 2 pm. The boda guy had a severe stammer, which made it difficult for us to communicate and negotiate well. I was starting to get irritated, but thankfully we were able to agree on a price. I bless God for the fruit of patience.
As we were on our way, he tried to converse with me. He brought up the topic of marriage, noticing the ring on my finger. He told me that all the women he had tried to be with had left him because of his stammer. He also said that he had dropped out of school because he was tired of being bullied for his stammer. He told me that even his family members didn’t take him seriously because of his speech impediment.
I told him that he could be healed if he believed it was possible. I shared with him my belief that there is someone who can heal him. I preached to him for a while, and as we approached my drop-off point, I asked if I could pray for him. He agreed, and we prayed together, albeit “unserious” as we were by the roadside. We exchanged contacts and parted ways.
Today, around midday, I received a call from the boda guy. I almost couldn’t recognize him on the phone. He introduced himself as Ahamed and spoke normally, without any stammer! He was shocked by his transformation as well. We have arranged to meet this weekend after work to share more about this miracle. Isn’t God amazing?
A few months ago, I was told that my niece (5 years old) had ulcers, and was stopped from taking some foods. (I had suffered from the same for years before knowing my identity and I understand very well the feeling that I didn’t want to see my little one go through) When I got to know about it, I was convicted to go and speak to the sickness and I did. I told her how she is a child of God and God wants her well and proclaimed other things upon her life with her. Of late, I asked her if her stomach was still in pain and she said, “No, Auntie.”
She got well, is no longer on medication, and eats anything available without restrictions or pain. I thank Daddy!
Carol (not her real name)
Praise God, saints!
Yesterday afternoon I developed a little discomfort and I didn’t pay much attention to it. I moved on and did my work and in the evening around 8, the pain started to increase. I spoke in tongues over it and I started to speak healing and rebuking the pain. It did not leave but instead increased so much that I could not even pray. So I reached out to a saint to help me renew my mind as I manifested the healing I knew was already available. Wow, guys! I was sleeping unable to move but when the saint rebuked the pain, immediately, I could sit and move around. As I speak now, I am healed. Pain is gone and my healing has manifested in full—glory to God!
Jasper (not his real name)
I was set free from insomnia, and now I sleep like a baby! Praise God!