Last week I went to the hospital and did a scan and the gynaecologist told me my pregnancy was overdue, that I should have given birth already, that the baby’s weight was so big it might make pushing hard, and that I might end up doing a C-section. I told the gynaecologist that I pushed the first one and he said that we should do an induction. If it fails, we go for a C-section. He gave me one week, that if normal labour fails, I would come on Sunday the 25th and we induce the labour and I accepted.
Deep down I knew that my God wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. 25th came and I went to the hospital. The gynaecologist was supposed to give me 4 doses for induction and he thought I would give birth in three days.
God is really good. I went to the hospital at 11:48 a.m. on Sunday I was induced with only one tablet and I was able to give birth at 8:58 p.m. on the same day! Friends, this surprised the gynaecologist and even the nurses. My baby’s weight was 3.7. God is good, people.
Last year on the final evening of the Grace Camp, one of us got a revelation that one of us was going to get a full scholarship for school abroad.
At that time, I hadn’t thought about school. 2 months later I saw a scholarship advert and applied for it, and in two weeks, I was awarded a fully-sponsored scholarship to do a Global Eye Health and Clinical Fellowship in India. God is awesome. I have now reported to the school. When I was awarded the scholarship, my hospital put up a notice listing departments that were not going to be granted study leave and mine was there. I knew Daddy would work it out for me and he did. The hospital administration had a meeting I was given an exception and my study leave was granted.
Then there was another issue to do with housing. Anyone going to school for one year would have to hand over their accommodation.
I trusted Daddy to handle that too. I told him I wanted to keep my house. From nowhere, the Human Resource officer told the hospital director to indicate in my study leave letter that my study duration is 9 months instead of one year so that my house would remain. Isn’t God wonderful? I have seen him do amazing things every single day.
This God is awesome. After Mass the other day, a lady came to me very worried. She was almost shaking. It turns out she had a lump on her breast. Preliminary investigations by doctors revealed it could be cancerous. She heard me speak about not begging God because He’s not withholding anything from us, having given us Jesus. So, we prayed together and instead of speaking to God, we spoke to the sickness. The following week she came to me very excited (I had even forgotten her face). Doctors cleared her and more, the lump was gone! Isn’t he wonderful??
Mary Goretti
I am a first-year student in university and joining was not easy for us as a family. Deep in me, I knew God had sponsored my studies and this scholarship was yet to manifest. My family did everything to ensure I joined and the first semester went well. At the beginning of this semester, I decided to tell my family that I would get a sponsor this time around though I didn’t know where it would come from. That made me appear crazy to them but still I came to school without any payment.
Guess what Daddy did?! On Friday I got a call asking me to generate a PRN for my tuition to be cleared and they would explain to me later. That is how Daddy has sponsored me.
Am so ‘crazy’ and excited, saints! My tuition was cleared. I have zero balance. Glory to God!
Yesterday I attended Grace School and I had some issues bothering me emotionally. I was ‘off’ and was praying about it for some time but my mind was so disturbed. To cut the story short, I was reminded of Daddy’s love and providence. There’s a way God can heal you emotionally that is so amazing. I am very new emotionally. It’s like I was born yesterday. I feel so good and very enthusiastic about my amazing future. Pray in tongues. So, one of the saints prayed with me and yesterday was an amazing day for me. I gave myself a day off to enjoy the rest of the day. It was magical and instant. Daddy floods his children with peace.
I had a runny stomach yesterday (I went to ease myself like 15 times in a day and more).
I prayed in tongues last night. I took some medicine (I am not sure if it was expired) but still.
Recently, I have learned that for as long as I want, I can open the tap of living water (i.e. listen to as many teachings as I want).
I was listening to the Grace Lifestyle podcast by Roo, and Brother Matthew was teaching. As I listened, I felt the pain (sickness) leave my body. He was teaching with authority and power.
At first, I didn’t know what sickness had left, but then I realised, I didn’t need to go to the toilet anymore.
And now I am here farting as much as I want not fearing that I will poo in my pants. Ha-ha. Isn’t Dad amazing?
I had a case with my gut yesterday. I had already gone out once but just when I had fallen on the bed to rest, I felt like going back to the toilet.
I spoke to my gut and said, “Nah, we are not doing this again. Get in order in Jesus’ name.”
And just like that. The rumbling stopped. It’s amazing.
I have been having knee pain for the past two days. I did not take a painkiller and whenever I felt the pain I just spoke in tongues. During the morning fellowship, I prayed and said that I didn’t want any more pain as I was traveling today. The pain was over, and I went for a morning walk and watered the plants around the house, and now I am enjoying my recovery. Thank you, Daddy.
I decided to leave my previous job in November for various reasons but chief among those was non-payment of my salary. I got temporary work with UNHR but was looking for something permanent. During the conference, Mark prophesied about new jobs and I chose to believe, in my heart I felt the prophecy was for me (Weirdly at that same moment a saint seated behind me touched my head at that same moment as if to confirm what I believed in my heart.).
After that, I kept applying for jobs but never really felt confident about them but I applied nonetheless. Then, towards the beginning of March a friend of mine shared an advert with me, and the Spirit immediately told me that was the opportunity for me. I was super excited. I applied, and within a week I got invited for an interview. It was weird when one of my interviewers asked me about my beliefs and asked if I had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Remember this, is an organization that is registered as a health provider, not a church or a religious group.) and I said yes. She asked what the Spirit told me before I came for the interview and I told her that the Spirit confirmed to me that that was the job for me. Long story short, I got a call that I passed the interview the following day, and on Saturday I signed my contract and started work on 2nd April. Was posted away from Kampala but that’s not a problem for me.
PS: With all the conviction the Spirit gave me all through the process, I still had a bit of fear because of prior disappointments, but God’s word can never be thwarted.
A young lady was attacked by the devil and she couldn’t walk normally. She would crawl or hold walls and move as though she was dancing. Her aunt just brought her to our home.
We cast out the demon, and the Lord instructed me to lift her but she was in great pain.
Anyway, it seemed like nothing happened after prayer but instructions carry power so we held on to our faith.
The next morning on Tuesday, the girl was walking properly! She even accompanied me when I was leaving home that evening. Glory to God.
I received news that one of my relatives was assaulted and rushed to Naguru Hospital. After scanning his head, the doctors said they couldn’t handle the situation, so he was referred to Mulago Hospital.
On getting there, the doctors said he had to undergo brain surgery because he had a clot and it was visible on the CT scan results.
I was called to help nurse the patient yesterday. When I got there, I started speaking life over him.
We were transferred from the Emergency Ward to the Neural Ward where the surgery was to be conducted. When the surgeon arrived, he looked at the CT scan and recommended immediate surgery.
I said no to the surgery, excused myself and went aside to speak in tongues and pray. Upon my return, another doctor came and said he can be given some tablets to handle the problem.
They bought them but I kept speaking in tongues. When it was time to go home, I stretched my hand over the patient and asked Daddy to be the surgeon and to handle the situation without cutting the man. The following evening, I received a call that he had been discharged and he will only to go back to hospital for review.